Services and Events

nb:. 10:30am start unless stated otherwise

Date Type of service Preacher / Leader
5 January Service Angela Storer
12 January Service Elisa Main
18 January (4.00pm) Messy Church (Jesus is found in the Temple)
19 January

Circuit Service at Lidgett Methodist Church (No service at Holgate)

26 January


John Bailey
2 February


Rev Hazel Hanson
9 February

Holy Communion

Rev Rory Dalgliesh

15 February


Messy Church (Lent)

16 February


Angela Storer
23 February

Own Arrangement Service

Marian Smales
2 March

Parade/All age Worship

Angela Storer
9 March


Gillian Mason
15 March

 Messy Church (Spring Festivals)

16 March

Own Arrangement Service

23 March

Holy  Communion

Rev Rory Dalgliesh
30 March

United Service with Acomb MC at Holgate) (Mothering Sunday)

Rev John Hayward