Holgate Methodist Church
Acomb Road
YO24 4AE
Room Bookings
Norma Busby
Tel: 01904 641121
Email: roombookings
Rev Rory Dalgliesh
Tel: 07503 724055
Email: minister
Church Stewards
Jackie Rodaway
Ann Mook
Judy Myers
Richard Storer
Email: stewards
Messy Church
Jackie Rodaway1
Hayley Unsworth
Tel1: 01904 798437
Email: messychurch
External Links
Holgate Pre-School
1st Holgate Scout Group
York Schools & Youth Trust (YoYo)
Messy Church
York Methodist Circuit
Yorkshire North and East Methodist District
Methodist Church of Great Britain
Please note that we are not responsible for the content of any external websites, use them at your own risk.