Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Monday | |
09:00 17:00 18:30 19:30 |
Pre-School * Beavers (Montana) * Cubs (Phoenix) * Choir * |
Tuesday | |
09:00 17:15 18:30 |
Pre-School * Rainbows * Brownies * |
Wednesday | |
09:00 17:30 18:15 19:00 19:00 |
Pre-School * Beavers (Nebraska) * Cubs (Pegasus) @ Acomb Primary School * Guides * Rangers (fortnightly) * |
Thursday | |
09:00 10:00 17:30 19:15 |
Pre-School * Prayer and Care Brownies * Scouts (Severus) * |
Friday | |
09:00 09:45 16:30 17:45 19:30 |
Pre-School * Toddlers * Beavers (Oregon) * Cubs (Griffin) * Scouts (Constantine) * |
Saturday | |
16:00 16:30 |
Messy Church (usually 3rd Saturday of the month) Holigators (fortnightly) * |
Sunday | |
10:30 18:30 |
Worship Worship (only occasionally at Holgate – see circuit plan) |
* Term time only